How to Install Windows Server 2019

How to Install Windows Server 2019

Before you install Windows Server 2019, please make sure you have the necessary software before you begin. These exercise uses VMware Workstation Pro as a virtualization platform.

1.1 – Creating LON-DC1 Virtual machine

  1. At your host machine (physical laptop/desktop), click the Start button and type VMware Workstation and from the search results, click VMware Workstation Pro. (Also, you can run it by double clicking on the VMware Workstation icon on the host machine’s desktop).
  1. Click on either Create a New Virtual Machine or from the Menu bar select

FileNew Virtual Machine…

  1. Select the Custom configuration and click Next.
  2. Virtual Machine Hardware Compatibility, click Next.
  3. Choose the I will install the operating system later option and click Next.
  4. Select Microsoft Windows as the guest OS and choose the correct Windows Server version, Windows Server 2016 in our case. Click Next.
  5. In the text box for Virtual machine name enter: “LON-DC1-“ + last four digits of your student ID (e.g. LON-DC1-1234). In the rest of the instruction, the machine will be referred as LON-DC1.
  6. Make sure you created a new folder as instructed in “Before you Begin” section and selected that folder LON-DC1-XXXX (where XXXX are the last 4 digits of your student ID). Then click Next.
  7. At the firmware type window click Next.
  8. Leave the default processor (2) and click Next.
  9. Leave default memory 4GB.
  10. Use NAT as the network type. Click Next.
  11. At the I/O controller window click Next.
  12. At the disk type window click Next.
  13. Select Create a new virtual disk and click Next.
  14. Leave the maximum disk size as 160GB and choose store the disk as a single Click Next.
  15. At the disk file window click Next.
  16. Review the virtual machine
  1. Create a new Word document named CNET102_Lab01_YourFirstName.docx in your host machine. You will paste the screenshots into this file and submit it.
  2. Take a screenshot showing your virtual machine’s properties screen and then paste it in CNET102_Lab01_YourFirstName.docx. Make sure your screen shot meet the requirements as mentioned in the #Screenshot_Requirements section of Lab01.
  3. Click on Finish.


  1. On the home screen for the VM you just created, click on CD/DVD(SATA). Then select Use ISO image file and browse to the Windows Server iso image. Click OK.
  2. Power on the virtual machine. Click inside the Virtual Machine as soon as it powers up to start the installation process. Select the language and other preferences and click Next. Then click Install Now.
  3. In the next window, click I don’t have a product key.
  4. Select the Windows Server 2019/2016 Datacenter (Desktop) Click Next.
  5. Accept the license and click Next. Then click on Custom Install.
  6. On the Where do you want to install Windows, select the single disk available and click Next. The installation will start.
  7. When prompted to set up a password for the Administrator, use Pa$$w0rd. Confirm the password and click Finish.
  8. The installation will complete. Press Ctl-Alt-Del from the VMware menu to get the login screen.

1.2 – Installing VMTools

  1. Log on to the LON-DC1 server VM using the Administrator account and the Pa$$w0rd The Server Manager console appears. If you are asked if you want find PCs, devices, and content on this network, click Yes.
  2. From the VMware’s VM menu select Install VMware Tools
  3. Open File explorer and open DVD Drive
  4. Double click on exe. When prompted, select Yes. It will start the installation wizard.
  5. Click
  6. Click When the installation is complete, click Finish. At the restart prompt, click on Yes. The computer will restart.